A Music Studio at FSS? | Halas Časopis studentů Fakulty sociálních studií. 33. ročník

A Music Studio at FSS?

Do rubriky Okénka napsal Ali Türünz (Pondělí, 29. listopad 2010)

It might sound as a luxurious idea at first sight. However, I am sure a lot of musician students from FSS will be fascinated of thought to have a studio at the faculty. Is it necessary and feasible to have our own studio? Let´s discuss it!

There are cons and pros of having a music studio at faculty. As an amateur who is learning to play the trumpet, I have always had troubles in finding a suitable place to practice. Besides, my imagination of an ideal campus life has always given a distinct place to musical performance. I have always had admiration to those who seriously rehearse, play and even record their music. My aim is not to evoke a personal fantasy but to discuss if there is a need for social studies faculty to have a music studio.

Although our faculty is a separate social studies unit and it does not include fine arts as field of studies, many of us who are doing social studies have also keen interest in the fine arts. We are used to seeing exhibitions at the faculty. Indeed, there should be no obstacle for music to have its place, as well. Providing one of the rooms on the ground floor and designing it as a music studio should be considered by the faculty. Surely, the economic dimension of this will be a primary concern. Most of the musicians who already pay rents to the non-studio places will not mind paying a contribution fee in exchange for using the studio.

During the years of my study at FSS, I have met many student musicians. Although they produce brilliant music, most have resented rehearsing at non-studio places.

“I think it is a great idea the bands usually practice at old industry places like in the Zbrojovka area but few things are bad”, says journalism student Jan Sysel who plays the rhythm guitar in Distant Bells.

He is listing the obstacles: “The bands will be able to rehearse only in the evening, after teaching, there is no place to park a car with equipment, the room is shared with others, so bands will not be able to keep their staff in the room and also acoustic of the room – that the noise should be small in the whole building due to rehearsing and what about keys? I think it is very difficult also with the building”.

The obstacles that Jan discusses are important. However, all of them perhaps except parking can be handled with a meticulous preparation. Surely, the biggest problem would be the budget. Asking for equipments, such as amps, a drum kit and sound isolation roughly means to expect a semi-professional music studio. Yet, this deal can work out and become sustainable thanks to the contribution fees of the bands.

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